Rapids Donation Helps Community Seniors Get Food in Time of Need

Donation Helps Maintain Senior Care Food Delivery During COVID-19 Pandemic

In a time of need...

Few in America have suffered the brutal effects of this COVID-19 pandemic like those in their senior years. Not only are these Americans at the highest risk of becoming seriously ill from the virus, but they can also be the segment of our population with the greatest amount of disruption in their lives. For many seniors, daily tasks like preparing meals requires the assistance of others. When protocols change and the inability to secure labor and supplies takes hold, many could go hungry or worse.

Every day, the Heritage Area Agency on Aging provides resources for older Americans, adults with disabilities, veterans, and other caregivers. Located in our hometown Cedar Rapids, they serve several of the surrounding communities in Eastern Iowa. Since 1974, they have been planning, funding, and advocating for those who need help, and they continue to provide home-delivered meals to older adults in need. Even during this crisis.

From a tip found on social media, Rapids & Affiliates was made aware of a need for supplies to continue feeding this population greatly impacted not only by mobility challenges, but even by the risk of venturing outside the safety of their homes.


Clay delivers take-out containers to Heritage


Of course Rapids was willing to step up and supplied Two Thousand disposable meal containers in which Heritage could continue to pack and deliver these meals. Clay Carney, a Rapids sales associate, hand-delivered these items personally to Heritage's facility (while keeping appropriate social distancing, of course).

We are inspired by the many ways our community is coming together to help in this crisis. And we will continue to look for additional ways we may be able to help, including providing practical information to restauranteurs and business owners on how to get government assistance to keep the doors open and staff employed. We are also working to provide tips to keep staff busy and position your business for fast growth when we come out the other side of this.

We love our community. We love all of you. Stay Healthy, Stay Strong, Stay Together (from an appropriate distance)!

-Rapids Crew

Heritage Donation Video
