Steam Jacketed Kettles & Convection Steamers
Looking for a convection steamer for your commercial kitchen? We offer some of the best models of steam jacketed kettles and convection steamer units, designed for efficiency and performance in any busy food-service establishment.
What Is a Steam Jacketed Kettle and How Does It Work?
A steam jacketed kettle is a type of kettle used to prepare and cook a large quantity of food such as soups, broth, vegetables, meats, stews, and sauces. Because steam jacketed kettles are designed to cook large quantities of food efficiently, they are suited for use in restaurants, catering establishments, and other commercial kitchens. For commercial use, a specifically designed commercial steam kettle or commercial steam cooker is ideal.
So how do steam jacketed kettles work? In a steam kettle jacket, steam is introduced into the outer wall of the kettle, which promptly heats the inner wall. Because of this process, the contents inside the inner wall are steam-cooked evenly.
A Brief History of Steam Jacketed Kettles
A jacketed steam kettle was invented by Alfred Groen in the 1890s. Groen helped produce copper kettles and pressure vessels for industrial processors, in addition to kitchen equipment used specifically in the military. Groen was actually able to make a name for himself because of the products that he invented, which were of superb quality. During World War II, the US government purchased one hundred steam jacketed kettles for their Navy ships. After the war, Groen focused his energies on the food-service industry, and thus the Groen steam jacketed kettle was born.
Because copper was a very scarce resource at that time, Groen invented a steam jacketed kettle that produced its own steam.
What Is a Convection Steamer?
A convection steamer is a type of food cooker that utilizes a fan to push hot steam and air around food to cook it faster than traditional methods of steaming. Because a convection steamer is specifically designed for batch cooking, it is an ideal appliance for restaurants, food-service establishments, and any kind of commercial kitchen. And because the steam is not pressurized in a convection steamer, cooking can be readily interrupted without any negative effects.
Properly Cleaning a Convection Steamer
Convection steamer units are also fairly easy to clean. And cleaning should be regularly done for a convection steamer to ensure that the unit works perfectly. When cleaning a convection steamer, grates, pans, and food filters should be removed first. They should then be washed with hot water, soap, and brushed with a good scrub brush. All the parts of the convection steamer should then be rinsed and dried thoroughly before returning them to the steamer.