Coffee & Espresso Makers
It's not enough to have the ideal coffee beans on hand if you don't have a good-quality commercial coffee brewer to prepare your concoction. Whether you're seeking a commercial coffee machine or espresso maker for your restaurant or efficient home coffee brewers for personal use, we offer the best equipment for brewing coffee and espresso. Our selection ensures you can create the perfect cup or mug of your favorite brew.
How Do Commercial Coffee Makers Work?
Generally, a coffee brewer has the same basic operational functions regardless of brand or model. When you dismantle a brewing pot, you will see a reservoir or holding chamber where the water is held, which is poured into the brewer at the beginning of the coffee-brewing cycle. Next, you will see a white rubber tubing that connects the reservoir base to the drip area and, at the bottom of the holding chamber, a small hole is present. Water is drawn into this hole, the water is heated and boiled, and once heated, it drips into the coffee grounds.
So in a nutshell, this is how coffee brewers work: water is heated and then eventually boiled, and this water drips over coffee grounds. The liquid is passed throughout and around the coffee grounds, which is mixed with the coffee oils in the grounds, then passes through a filter in the coffee brewer to prevent the solid grounds from mixing with the brew.
Most home coffee brewers are essentially a step above those percolating coffee brewers, which are, in turn, a step up from the simple stove-top boilers. Commercial coffee brewers, on the other hand, which are found in most restaurants, cafés, and coffee shops, use the same basic functions as home coffee brewing systems but are designed for higher capacity.
How does a Commercial Tea Brewer Work?
Tea has been available as a drink for many centuries, but automated tea brewers have only available for tea drinkers worldwide for the past few years. Needless to say, the invention of these tea-brewing equipment has made it a lot easier for tea lovers to enjoy a cup of their favorite tea quickly and more conveniently.
So how do these tea-brewing systems work? A tea brewer works similarly to to a coffee brewer in that both work by boiling water, then infusing the water. Most automated tea-brewing equipment starts working when water is poured into them and the tea is added. These tea brewers then effectively shut down as soon as the tea is done steeping.
Commercial Coffee Machines & Espresso Machines Available at Rapids Wholesale
At Rapids Wholesale we offer a wide selection of coffee, espresso, and tea brewers from some of the most trusted brands in the market today:
Waring is one of the leading manufacturers of professional-quality appliances for the home and food-service and laboratory industries. Waring has seventy-five years of manufacturing expertise under its belt and manufactures heavy-duty appliances for both the consumer and food-service market. Our Waring coffee brewer features a dual heater system that prevents scorching and has a stainless steel interior and exterior. It can brew approximately fifty-five cups of coffee in thirty minutes or less.
We also offer ice tea brewers from Grindmaster-Cecilware, which are all made of durable stainless steel and includes a dispenser with a no-drip faucet for easy serving.