Restaurant Safety

Ensure restaurant safety for your customers and food-service crew. Here at Rapids Wholesale, you can choose from a large selection of restaurant safety equipment to make sure that you pass all restaurant safety guidelines.

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Restaurant Safety

Safety in restaurants and food-service establishments should be a primary concern if you are a business owner. It goes without saying that you should make sure that both your customers and food-service staff are safe at all times inside your restaurant or food-service establishment.

Needless to say, restaurant health and safety for both your customers and food-service crew can only be guaranteed if proper safety guidelines are in place. But restaurant safety rules and restaurant safety regulations can only do so much; you must also make sure that you are using the proper restaurant safety equipment in your food-service establishment.

Restaurant Safety Equipment Must-Have #1: Commercial Fire Extinguishers   

Restaurant fire safety should be one of your top priorities. And you can make sure that both your customers and food-service crew are safe from untoward fires with one of the most important pieces of restaurant safety equipment when it comes to restaurant fire safety: commercial fire extinguishers.

And it is not surprising that commercial fire extinguishers should be near the top of your restaurant safety checklist. A simple fire extinguisher could end up saving your life, your customers’ and crew’s lives, and also your property. In addition, because restaurant fire safety is a very important aspect of food-service establishments, all buildings should pass fire codes and regulations. Commercial fire extinguishers are just one of the pieces of restaurant safety equipment you need to have for your food-service establishment to comply with your local area’s fire codes.

Restaurant Safety Equipment Must-Have #2: Employee Lockers & Shelves

Restaurant safety should not be limited to the safety of employees, customers, or even to restaurant food safety. It should also focus on the safety and security of employees’ valuables. This is why employee lockers and shelves should part of a complete range of restaurant safety equipment.

Your employees should be able to work with peace of mind and not worry about their personal belongings and valuables like wallets and cell phones and jewelry. They should be able to focus 100 percent on the task at hand and not worry about their things - restaurant lockers and shelves will help them achieve this.

Restaurant Safety Equipment Must-Have #3: Commercial Mats

When talking about restaurant kitchen safety, one thing should come immediately to mind: safe kitchen floors. When talking about safe kitchen floors, one should focus on what can make them unsafe—oil, grease, and water. Needless to say, slippery kitchen floors caused by spilled water or other liquids are relatively easy to solve by simply wiping them off. But oil and grease is a different matter because it cannot be easily wiped off. Add to the fact that in restaurant kitchens there is a lot of frying involved, and so oily and greasy kitchen floors are actually very difficult to avoid unless you eliminate the act of frying itself, which is virtually impossible.

One way of ensuring restaurant kitchen safety, especially in the case of avoiding oily and greasy floors, is by using commercial kitchen mats. We don’t need to reiterate that an oily or greasy floor is just as dangerous (or even more dangerous) as a wet floor. Commercial kitchen mats can help ensure that your kitchen crew is safe from slippery floors brought about by oil and grease. Kitchen mats are oil-resistant by nature. They are actually anti-slip and anti-fatigue, so you can be sure that your kitchen floor will be slip-free for your kitchen staff and crew as they move about and tend to their busy tasks.

Restaurant Safety Equipment Must-Have #4: Restaurant Pest Control

More often than not, restaurant food safety guidelines will include a pest-free commercial kitchen or food-service establishment. At the top of every food inspector’s restaurant food safety checklist is to make sure that every restaurant or commercial kitchen is free from pests like insects and rodents that can carry harmful pathogens that cause diseases.

It is therefore not surprising that some of the most important restaurant safety equipment include those that focus on pest control. Various types of pests drive your customers and diners away, while an uncontrolled infestation of pests can also ruin your food stocks. This is every restaurant owner’s worse nightmare. Pest control, as a result, cannot be stressed enough. Fortunately, you can get a wide variety of restaurant safety equipment that you can use to fight any pest infestation.

Restaurant Safety Equipment Must-Have #5: Restaurant Safety Signs

Restaurant safety signs warn your customers and food-safety staff and crew of hazards in and around your food-service establishment.

With the right restaurant safety signs, you can be sure that you will get your message across to your customers and food-service staff correctly. Your guests will surely appreciate your gesture of making them feel safe while they are dining at your establishment; on the other hand, your food-service staff and crew can rest assured that they are working in a safe environment. Restaurant safety signs, needless to say, are simple but effective at getting their message across.

Restaurant Safety Equipment Must-Have #6: Hand Trucks

Relatively overlooked and underappreciated restaurant safety equipment includes hand trucks. They can make your employees’ jobs easier, especially your food-service staff or crew whose tasks include moving heavy cargo around.

More importantly, with hand trucks, your staff or crew need not lug around heavy cargo, thus helping them avoid serious injuries associated with carrying heavy loads around. Needless to say, long-term heavy labor involving the moving around of heavy cargo and loads can lead to chronic back pain and injury.