Commercial Smokehouses & Meat Smokers
Do you want to prepare, serve, and sell your own smoked meat, fish, and/or cheese in your food-service establishment? Choose from the best models of commercial smokehouses. Our smokehouse units feature high-heat, high-humidity cabinets and include equipment or accessories such as six plated steel skewers, a plated steel safety grate, a steel drip pan with handles, and one pilot lighter rod. These smokehouses are perfect for any commercial kitchen looking to offer smoked products.
What Is a Commercial Meat Smoker?
A commercial meat smoker is a small type of smokehouse where meat or fish is cured with smoke. Traditional food smokers are made of concrete or hardened mud and can be considered a small building. Modern commercial smokehouses can be likened to small heavy-duty safes or cabinets/closets that are made of heavy-duty steel. Meat, fish, and other food are hung on steel skewers or hook hangers and are left inside the commercial smoke house to be cured.
So what are the usual food items that are processed inside commercial smoke houses? Various types of red meat (mostly game meats that include venison as well as pork and beef), various types of cheeses, and various types of fish (salmon, trout, and the like).
Professional Meat Smoker Units Available Here at Rapids Wholesale
We have commercial smokehouses from one of the most-trusted brands in the market today, Town. Our commercial smokehouse units feature a high-heat, high-humidity cabinet that includes other commercial smokehouse equipment or accessories such as six plated steel skewers, a plated steel safety grate, a steel drip pan with handles, and one pilot lighter rod. All our commercial smokehouses also include a one-year warranty on parts and labor.
You can also choose your professional meat smoker based on the size requirements (twenty-four inches, thirty inches, and thirty-six inches) or the price range.