Invest in Tableware, Flatware, and Buffet Equipment in Time for Holiday Parties!


With Thanksgiving fast approaching, followed almost immediately by holiday parties and Christmas, there’s no time like the present to make certain you have the necessary equipment, flatware, and dinnerware in stock so that your service, table, or buffet line runs smoothly.

Holiday parties and dinners mean more people, which in turn means more tableware is needed, along with more flatware, more seating, and more table space.

Check your party schedule, then inventory your current tableware to make certain that you can handle the extra people with what you have on hand.

If you are planning to offer menu items that require a special plate or bowl, make certain that you have extra of those on hand so that you can handle party patrons and public patrons simultaneously.

Double check the sturdiness of your chairs and tables. Make certain all are solid. A chair breaking while a customer is seated on it during a Christmas party is a sure way to lose that group for next year.

Commercial Chafers on Sale now at Rapids WholesaleCommercial Chafers on Sale at Rapids Wholesale

Through November, or while our current supplies last, Rapids Wholesale has some great sales going on that include beautiful commercial chafers.

These chafers are perfect for both a catering business and a home chef that entertains frequently or has large Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.

These Vollrath professional chafers are a wonderful investment in new serving equipment that will enhance your buffet and keep your food warm. Not to mention, you will be able to use them over and over again, year after year.

appetizer trays on sale now at Rapids WholesaleAppetizer Serving Tray on Sale at Rapids Wholesale

Another beautiful enhancement to your buffet, and also on sale while supplies last, is our crystal cut, high-impact styrene serving tray.

Your appetizers and canapes will look beautiful on these trays, and you can also use these over and over again for all of your entertaining.

Now is the time to invest in serving equipment you can use time andagain.

Libbey Glassware and bar glasses on sale at Rapids Wholesale

Glassware on Sale at Rapids Wholesale

Rapids has Libbey glassware on sale through the end of November as well. This includes beautiful glass Libbey dinner plates, priced at just $19.99 for a case of 12.

You won’t have to serve your guests on paper or plastic when you take advantage of these exquisite glass plates at this price! And after your dinner party, they will store and can be used every time you entertain, saving you money in the long run over plastic plates!

sheet pans on sale at Rapids WholesaleCommercial Sheet Pans On Sale at Rapids Wholesale

The one item that every restaurant, caterer, and home chef never has enough of is on sale through the end of December 2016 at Rapids: sheet pans!

At Rapids’ sheet pan sale, our price is so reasonable, you really can have more than enough sheet pans on hand! Through December (or until our current supplies are gone)

Rapids brand ½ size commercial sheet pans are on sale for $4.79 and Rapids brand full size sheet pans on sale for $6.19. Stock up now!

*Rapids Wholesale Holiday Shipping Schedule
