Scotsman Ice Machines: The Prodigy Plus Difference

Scotsman took their time-tested, dependable Prodigy design and made it even better for the Prodigy Plus lineup. The three Scotsman ice maker cornerstones - accessibility, serviceability, and functionality - have been advanced to provide "the next generation of ice-making technology."


This unit is easier to clean than the previous models, which makes it more accessible to people who simply don't have time to become an expert on every piece of equipment they own. When it's time to clean, all you need to do is push a button!

To promote customer safety in-between cleanings, Scotsman products use AquaArmor with AgION, a silver-based antimicrobial that is incorporated into many of the important ice machine components. It helps to inhibit the growth of microbes, bacteria, mold, etc. While this feature was included in Prodigy units, it combines with the one-touch cleaning for more effective results.


When your unit needs service, you want it back up and running as quickly as possible. With Prodigy Plus diagnostics, your tech will have immediate access to more operating status information, allowing them to make a faster assessment.

The AutoAlert lights let you know the power and status of the machine, as well as when there's no water or it's time to clearn. It's located in the lower left corner of the front panel for easy visibility.

A unit-specific QR code brings up parts lists, cleaning instructions, warranty history, and more with just a few swipes on your phone.

Prodigy Plus units also have a removable front panel that provides access to all of the unit's serviceable parts without having to remove the whole front cover.


Several features come together to create superior functionality and energy efficiency, lowering the total cost of ownership.

New sealed, maintenance-free bearings require no additional greasing, which increases the durability of the unit and saves times on maintenance calls.

Patented WaterSense technology reduces scale buildup by linking water purge intervals with the quality of your water. This allows the unit to create more sanitary ice and increases the time between cleanings.

The cube units also have a patented Harvest Assist that pushes ice into the bin, ensuring a more uniform supply.

Introducing Hard(er) Nuggets!

Scotsman invented the original chewable ice nugget back in 1981, revolutionizing the industry, and now they've done it again with their H2 nugget ice!

It's 11% harder that the original chewable ice (and slower-melting), making it a great option for establishments that want to use their nugget ice for food display or dispensing applications. H2 nuggets are only available through Prodigy Plus units. Nugget dimensions are 3/4” x 5/16” x 3/8".

H2 Nugget Options

Rapids offers several H2 nugget machines - choose from one with a 456 lb production capacity, a 952 lb production capacity, or a 1186 lb production capacity.
