Choosing the Right Frymaster / Dean Floor Fryer for Your Restaurant

Frymaster / Dean offers a wide range of fryers, focusing on areas like capacity, performance, and value so you can easily find a unit that fits your needs.


All of the performance fryers from Frymaster use a Master Jet burner system that generates a large heat-transfer area, which means they cook and recover quickly. This burner system is well-known for its durability and reliability.

They also have a centerline fast-action temperature probe that ensures accurate temperatures - you won't have to worry about under- or over-frying foods because you have a unit that can't hold the expected temperature.

These units are great for establishments that sell a large volume of fried foods - they can handle the demands of a fish fry or rush hour at a QSR with ease.

MC1CF Fryer

The Frymaster MJ1CF fryer (available in both Natural Gas and LP) is specifically designed to handle high volumes of chicken, fish and other breaded products.

This fryer uses an exclusive 1 degree action thermostat which produces a more uniformly cooked product, something that is especially important for fried meat.

It has an 80-lb oil capacity, making it ideal for restaurants that need to fry a high volume of chicken or fish. 

MJ140 & MJ150 Series

The MJ140 (Natural Gas & LP) and MJ150 (Natural Gas & LP) performance fryers are more versatile. They can accommodate a vast range a frying needs - French fries, specialty foods, pre-breaded products, and more.

The biggest differences between these two units are the oil capacity and BTU. The MJ140 has a 40-lb oil capacity and 110,000 BTU, while the MJ150 has a 50-lb oil capacity and 122,000 BTU, so which one you need really depends on your fried food demand.


The Frymaster / Dean value fryers are designed to give you a reliable fryer that won't break your budget. 

GF40 & GF14

The Frymaster GF40 (Natural Gas & LP) and GF14 (Natural Gas & LP) models are all-purpose fryers designed for versatility and reliability. Like the performance fryers, these units also use a Master Jet burner system, but the temperature probe differs, allowing them to offer this unit at a more affordable price.

The GF14 fryer has a 40-lb oil capacity and 100,000 BTUs, while the GF40 has a 50-lb oil capacity and 122,000 BTUs.

These units would be a great choice for a restaurant that needs the reliability of a performance fryer at a lower price point.

Super Runner (SR) Dean Fryers

Super Runner fryers are the ideal choice for restaurants with basic frying needs and a desire to lower their energy bill.


The SR114E is an electric fryer. It's energy efficient and designed for quick heat-up times, so this unit uses less energy per pound of product cooked.

It has a 40-lb oil capacity and a fully immersed heating element for the best possible heat transfer.

SR142G & SR152G

The SR142G (Natural Gas & LP) and the SR152G are set up for basic, all-purpose frying. The full-size frying area can accommodate everything from appetizers to specialty foods.

The exclusive Thermo-Tube design provides a large oil contact surface, easily transferring heat to the oil and lowering your energy bill.

The SR142G has a 42-lb oil capacity and 105,000 BTUs, while the SR152G has a 50-lb oil capacity and 120,000 BTUs.

Super Marathon (SM) Dean Fryers

The SM5020G is specifically designed to meet the frying needs of space-constrained operations that offer menu items with different frying demands. 

To meet these needs, it comes with two differently-sized fry pots - a 50-lb fry pot and a 23 lb. fry pot. The full-size fry pot can handle your high production items, and the half-size fry ensures you have the space to fry items that are in lower demand without flavor transfer.

It uses the same Thermo-Tube heating system as the gas SR units, and has 170,000 BTUs.

Gas Type

Most of the time, you will want to choose a fryer that runs on Natural Gas. The exception to this is if you are purchasing the fryer for use in a food truck. All gas-run food truck equipment should be LP, as you can easily hook up an LP tank to your truck.

Now that you have the information needed to at least narrow down which fryer would work best for you, explore all of the Frymaster / Dean units today!
