Tipsy-Turvy Barstool | The Lastest Defense Against Drunken Shenanigans

Introducing the newest addition to our barstool line — an elegant, genuinely comfortable barstool that takes customer service to the next level by accurately assessing your customer's inebriation level — The Tipsy Turvy Barstool!

With this stool, you can protect your establishment from inebriated ne'er-do-wells AND make relying on your hunches about when a customer has had too much to drink a thing of the past.

Innovative Design, Precise Results

  • A built-in accelerometer in the seat cushion measures motor control through vibrations.
  • An integrated filter prevents flatulence from skewing the readings.
  • An intervalometer controls how often measurements are taken and preserves battery life.
  • A seismographic sensor adds in the capacity to determine if a customer has fallen off the stool and needs assistance.

Effective Communication

As data is collected, the bar stool will notify you when someone has reached their limit. Two options are available, depending on your setup — the simplest of the two is downloading our Tipsy-Turvy app, connecting the barstools to your Wi-Fi, and having a tablet on-hand for easy access to notifications. API-integration into your POS system can be used as well.

Customize Your Barstool:

  • Color options galore! Your barstool shouldn't just keep you up-to-date on your customers' inebriation levels, it should also enhance your décor! With more than 10 color options to pick from for the cover, you will have no trouble finding one that matches your establishment. Choices include Atomic Watermelon, Burnt Asparagus, Blanched Lobster Bisque, and more!
  • Do more to keep customers safe! If the seismographic sensor is activated by a customer falling, you can choose to have the barstool automatically either contact the police or request an ambulance.

In honor of the Tipsy-Turvy Barstool, we would like to offer you $10 OFF any purchase of $50* or more! Just log on to our website and use the coupon code: FOOLEDYA19.

*Amount before tax, additional fees, shipping, etc. Offer valid 4/1 to 4/5/2019.