Refrigeration Condensers
Need help with refrigeration condensers? Call our sales team at 1-800-899-6610.
Rapids Wholesale offers a wide selection of refrigeration condensers for walk-in freezers and coolers. Our walk-in condenser units are designed for easy installation in both freezers and coolers. Depending on your budget, you can choose from a variety of condensing units to meet your specific needs.
How Do Condenser for Refrigeration Units Work?
How does a condenser unit for a walk-in refrigerator or freezer work? Both walk-in refrigerators and reach-in refrigerators and other kinds of refrigerators generally utilize similar refrigeration condensers. In a refrigerator, all the heat the freon has absorbed from the substance at low temperature is usually expelled out into the atmosphere through the refrigeration condensing unit. In home refrigerators, the condenser is typically a coil of copper exposed to the atmosphere. When freon is passed though this coil, it gives up its heat partially into the surrounding atmospheric, and its temperature reduces, but the pressure remains unchanged. In case of the bigger refrigerators or walk-in refrigerators, a water-cooled cooler condenser unit is used.
Walk-In Cooler Condenser Units and What You Need to Know
A walk-in condenser is actually one of the most important components of a walk-in refrigerator or a walk-in freezer. So how does it work? The condenser for walk-in cooler is actually turned on when the refrigeration unit needs to start another cooling cycle. The temperature of which is determined by the thermostat. The walk-in cooler's fans then proceed to pull air into the unit and over the refrigerator condenser coils.
The coolant within the condenser coils then proceeds to pull the heat from the air while it passes over. The cooled air then continues to move out the back of the walk-in freezer or refrigerator, substantially cooler than it was when it first entered. As the fans of the walk-in cooler continue to blow air over the walk-in condenser unit, the air temperature inside the walk-in cooler will drop until it is again below the level set by the fridge's thermostat. The coolant within the condenser coil is then pumped continuously during this cooling cycle, which ensures that the coolant does not heat up too much before cooling down once again.
Get the Perfect Condenser for Walk-in Cooler Here at Rapids Wholesale
Here at Rapids Wholesale, you can choose from a wide selection of walk-in condenser units that are all easy to install in your walk-in freezer or cooler. Choose your ideal condensing unit for walk-in cooler or freezers, depending on your budget and price range.